Pricing, Policies & Class Options

The following are the current tuition rates for the 2024-25 season.
Payments are September-June, due at the first class of each month, and are the product of yearly tuition that is broken into 10 equal payments. Time off for studio closings, holidays, etc. is already included in these rates.
1 Hour Group- $65
1.5 Hour Group- $90
2 Hour Group- $115
2.5 Hour Group- $138
3 Hour Group- $160
3.5 Hour Group- $180
4 Hour Group- $200
4.5 Hour Group- $218
5 Hour Group- $235
5.5 Hour Group- $250
UNLIMITED Program (6 or more hours per week)- $265
Private Lesson (solo)- Ages 12 and under OR weekly solo lesson regardless of age- 1/2 hour lesson per week: $90/month
Duet/Trio- Ages 12 & under- 1/2 hour lesson per week- $60/month
Private Lesson (solo)- Ages 13 & over/Weekend Soloists-
$650 flat rate fee; available to be broken into 4 payments of $162.50 each
Duet/Trio- Ages 13 & over/Weekend Duet/Trios-
$485 flat rate fee; available to be broken into 4 payments of $121.50 each
Weekend solo/duet fees include all necessary lessons, choreography, rehearsals and use of studio space for independent practicing. All lessons/choreo/cleaning are done with staff.
What We
Non-Competitive Classes:
NEW! Restructured Recreational Program!
Ballet is required for all levels and ages except for adult classes!
Scroll Down for Competitive Team Information!
Pre 1 (Age 3)
Ballet/Tap Combo
This class is a one hour ballet and tap combo class for dancers ages 3-4. This class meets once a week and learns 1 recital dance.
Stars Class- Ages 5-7
Ballet, Tap, Jazz
These classes are beginner-intermediate level classes for dancers ages 5-7 featuring ballet, tap, and jazz technique. Dancers may learn 1-2 routines for recital.
Jazz, Tap, &
Hip Hop Classes
Ages 6-10 & 11 & Up
These classes are beginner-intermediate level classes for ages 6-10 and 11 & up. Classes are a la carte, and only require ballet to be taken in addition.
For example, you could take ONLY hip hop and not jazz or tap, as long as you are also taking the ballet class that corresponds to your age.
All of these classes participate in our June recital. 1 routine/costume per class.
Pre 2 (Age 4)
Ballet & Tap Combo & Separate Jazz Class
This class is a one hour ballet and tap combo class as well as a 1 hour jazz class for dancers ages 4-5. Each class meets once a week and learns 1 recital dance for the ballet/tap combo and 1 recital dance for the jazz class. Jazz is an optional class and is not required in order to take the ballet/tap class.
Ballet & Lyrical Classes
Ages 6-10 & Ages 11 & Up
We have 2 non-competitive ballet classes weekly, for ages 6-10 and ages 11 & over. Each class is geared toward beginner to intermediate level students.
Ballet attire is required.
Adult Classes
These are 18+ classes held once a week for one hour each. Dancers should have some prior formal dance training as these are intermediate to advanced level classes. Not suitable for beginners.
For the 2024-25 season, tap is the only adult-level class available.

Competitive Teams
Competitive teams at The Fuse include several different teams: Paradigm, Prodigy, Majesty, Dynasty, Infinity, Tenacity & Synergy.
Teams may train in all available styles of dance (open, lyrical, contemporary, tap, hip hop, jazz, etc.) with group routines. Some dancers may be asked to dance with more than one team for some or all styles of dance.
Teams are also required to attend ballet and conditioning classes on a weekly basis.
Solos and Duets or Trios are at the directors' discretion only. (You are not required to be "invited" - you must be on The Fuse competition team, and have approval from the directors. If you are on our comp team and are interested in a solo, please let us know and we will discuss with you!)
Non-competition students are not eligible for solo or duet/trio lessons.
Teams attend up to 3 regional competitions and some teams attend Nationals. Optional regional competitions may also be available to some teams on occasion.
Competitive teams are also offered several convention options throughout the year to supplement their in-house training. While not required, they are always encouraged!

At this time, we DO NOT offer ballroom, wedding dance services, or partner lessons. We also do not have private lessons available outside of our competitive teams.
Policies: 2024-25 Season
POLICIES: 2024-25
These policies are subject to change at any time.
a. No refunds will be given at any time for any reason. Transfers of funds within the same family may be done on an as-needed basis with director approval.
b. All tuition payments are due the first week/lesson of each month. Payments not received by the 15th of the month are subject to a $15 late fee. Payments not received by the 1st of the following month are subject to a $25 late fee. Students whose accounts are 20+ days past due on tuition or any other fees may have to sit out of class until the account is brought up to date. Payment types accepted are: cash, check, money order, credit/debit card.
Tuition is the sole responsibility of the family of the student(s).
Payments may be made by credit/debit card, check, Venmo or cash. DSP (DanceStudioPro) offers a payment option as well. AutoPay may be set up at your request.
c. Bounced check fee = $25 service charge applied to repayment of bounced check. After one instance of a bounced check, payments will no longer be accepted by personal check- they will be accepted via bank check, money order or cash/card/DSP card payment only.
a. Registration Fee = $30 per family. Non-refundable and valid for the entire season.
b. Competition Fee = $30 per competition student. Non-refundable and valid for the entire season.
c. Music Fee = $10 per student. Non-refundable, covers music rights and professional editing of music for choreography, and valid for entire season.
a. FAMILY DISCOUNT: Students in the same family (siblings) will have a discounted group tuition rate. The first dancer with the most hours will not be discounted. Second, third, fourth, etc. children from the same household will each have a percentage taken off of their total group tuition. The family discount does not include the following: Unlimited Program, Solo, Duet/Trio lessons.
b. We will no longer be able to offer tuition discounts for paying the year in full. This option no longer exists. You may pay ahead/in full if you wish, but there are no discounts for doing so.
Students will be assessed by the directors as well as their instructor. After assessment has taken place, the directors will place students into the correct level that corresponds with their ability at the time of assessment.
WE DO NOT PLACE BY AGE-WE PLACE BY ABILITY, POTENTIAL, AND MATURITY OF EACH STUDENT. Age ranges listed for each level are just a general guide and do not dictate actual placement as much as the aforementioned qualities of each student, especially at competitive levels.
a. Students who miss 3 or more consecutive weeks of their class(es) are subject to immediate termination, especially when students are a "no call/no show" for the aforementioned period. We appreciate communication regarding absences/conflicts/tardiness to prevent disenrollment.
*Competitive Students- Please see competition handbook for further details on competitive student attendance policies.*
b. Students and/or parents should provide The Fuse with prompt notice of a pending absence. Emergencies are understandable and notice should be given to The Fuse as soon as the student/parent is soundly able to do so in such a situation. Please call or email the studio to report a dancer's absence ASAP. Absences will be tracked in DSP.
b. Students are eligible for attendance awards at the end of season show in June. These awards are based on the number of days each student has scheduled classes per week.
If a student no longer wishes to continue their dance education with The Fuse, for any reason whatsoever, The Fuse is not responsible for refunding or transferring any monies already paid in advance securing the dancer's spot in their class. There are NO exceptions. Parent or any other financially responsible adult will be required to pay half of the remaining tuition for the entire season upon leaving The Fuse, and notice must be provided in writing.
d. ALL competitive students are REQUIRED to attend ALL classes for the entire two weeks leading up to any performance event. There are NO exceptions and any student missing class during this time may be denied performance at that venue.
e. Absences or Cancellations: Makeup lessons are not given for any missed lessons that are not canceled by the director or instructor. If the lesson IS canceled by the director or instructor, a makeup lesson will be given prior to June of 2025 on an as-needed basis. 3 cumulative lessons must be canceled in order for a makeup to be scheduled.
f. Weather Related Cancellations: Should The Fuse have to cancel classes due to weather conditions or any other emergency situation, The Fuse will notify affected students in a timely manner. Dancers should not assume the studio is closed based on any other factors and should wait to hear from a staff member of The Fuse. School closings have no effect on the studio being open or closed. We will notify all affected dance families of a studio closure promptly, once the decision has been made.
a. All costumes are made to order and consist of a deposit for each costume (number of costumes will be determined by each dancer's schedule).
The cost of the deposit for non-competition costumes is $80 for youth sizes and $100 for adult sizes.
Competitive costumes will be $90 for Paradigm, Prodigy and Majesty Teams, and $110 for Dynasty, Infinity, Tenacity & Synergy Teams.
The size of your child's costume is not determined by their age, rather by where their individual measurements align with the costume companies' guidelines.
These deposits are due BY October 19, 2024 (competitive costumes) or BY November 23, 2024 (non-competitive classes). Remaining balances will be due in spring of 2025 (exact date TBA).
Costume charges cover the following: costume, accessories, embellishments, and alterations. Students/parents are responsible for the purchase of their own shoes, tights, hair and makeup supplies as directed by their instructor.
a. Throughout the season there are competitions, shows, and other events for competitive students to work toward and develop a sense of self improvement from. If a student has the privilege of being asked to participate in these activities, they must follow the applicable rules:
b. The directors reserve the right to decide which students will be chosen to dance on a competition team. You MUST be invited by the directors to become part of any competition team. This applies regardless of past experience whether at The Fuse or any other school. Competition is a privilege, not a right. Any student not following the rules of The Fuse Dance Center may be taken off a competition team at any time.
ALL rules apply to ALL competitive team members, regardless of tenure, age, ability, etc. We will not make exceptions based on ANY of the above.
a. There is one required studio-wide picture weekend on Saturday, May 31 and Sunday, June 1, 2025. Students must be in the proper attire (including costume, hair, makeup, tights, shoes, accessories) for their scheduled block of time for each dance. Non-competitive dancers will be on ONE of the days only. Competitive dancers may be on one OR both days.
Pavlik photography will be doing the photoshoot and all orders for photos will be taken on that day by Pavlik Photography. Payment is due at the time of order on the day of pictures, and all payments will be taken directly by Pavlik Photography. A specific schedule will be posted prior to picture day for each class and dance routine.
ALL students of The Fuse Dance Center will participate in the annual recital. This is held in June at The Anderson Center at Binghamton University. Participation in the recital is not optional. It is a culmination of each dancers' hard work throughout the year and a showcase of our dancers.
June 2025 Recital Dates: June 14 & 15, with mandatory rehearsals June 9-12.
All dancers attending The Fuse Dance Center will follow dress code.
ALL Saturday classes- please follow the BALLET guidelines for all classes, including transition tights.
Female dancers: Black leotard, pink transition tights, pink canvas or leather ballet shoes, hair in a proper bun (not coming out during class, no messy buns)
Male dancers taking ballet must have tight black shorts above the knee and a black tank top.
are to wear the colors black and/or red only. (preferred color is black.) You are able to wear, tight form-fitting booty shorts, 1/2 tops/sports bras, or leotards only.
No loose clothing (this includes tank tops) at any times. Hair must be up at all times, buns are required. No ponytails, braids, etc. Messy buns are also not acceptable as they fall out frequently during class.
Shorts, leggings or capri pants are permitted, no loose pants.
Tank tops, half tops, or sports bras are permitted.
Ponytails are permitted in tap class.
Please dress the part/to comfort, including CLEAN sneakers! Baggy clothes ARE permitted in hip hop class, and ponytails are also permitted.
Solos/Duet/Trios: Please follow the same guidelines as style of dance.
**Any student that shows up unprepared for class will not be able to participate in class until they are dressed in the correct attire/have the correct hair done.**